Takihyo Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Nishi-ku, Nagoya, Japan; President and CEO: Kazuo Taki), a “Life Converter” that pursues beauty, has launched a new website “TAKIHYO FOR GOOD,” specializing in sustainability, in order to provide solutions to social issues.
The name of the site, “TAKIHYO FOR GOOD,” expresses our desire to make the world a better place, even if only a little bit. Through the various sustainable materials we handle and our unique material recycling scheme, “NO WASTE,” we aim to create opportunities to help companies and society solve problems they may face.
■TAKIHYO FOR GOOD https://takihyo.jp

■What is NO WASTE?
This is a recycling system built on the concept of “not wasting anything” in which fabric scraps that are inevitably generated when making apparel products are crushed and returned to fibers, which are then re-spun into yarn, fabric, and products.

Collect fabric scraps that are generated during the production of clothing.
Recycle them to make into clothes and various products for the market once again.
A traceable circular system that solves problems while using resources without waste.

Company Name: Takihyo Co., Ltd.
Representative: President and Representative Director/Executive Officer Kazuo Taki
Location: Nagoya Lucent Tower 23/24 Fl. 6-1 Ushijimacho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 451-8688
Capital: ¥3.62 billion
Established: May, 1751
Official Website: https://www.takihyo.co.jp